Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I want RESULTS... NOW!!!

I want RESULTS... NOW!!!!

We've all heard it, and we all know that it's an unrealistic expectation. However, todays business owners and even some marketing managers have heard all of these great stories of how "Their friends" marketing campaign netted amazing results in only 3 days yada, yada, yada. Although it happens, its not the norm and should not be sold as so.

The marketing industry as a whole is in a paradox and needs to exercise restraint.

Regardless of how good our plans, strategies, products, or systems are, we can not go about making these unrealistic claims. The claims I speak of are alienating potential clients, and making us all look bad.

It comes down to a very simple point- Be honest, set reasonable expectations, and serve your clients right.

We all want to get people talking, but at what cost?

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