Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Are you creating Skeptics or Evangelists?

Today, as I was driving to my office, I listened to a Radio DJ give a testimonial of a product that he was supposedly using, really nice of him to do huh?

Well, if it didn't sound so contrived, I'd be very happy for the company whose product he was name dropping.

The question I raise is a matter of ethics, is this DJ actually using the product, or was he just reading off of a script as it sounded like he was? It's one thing to say that a product is great and be a great evangelist, but how many people do you know that try something for the first time and are strangely able to recite every benign fact about it? Not many right?

It's this type of marketing, a type of WOM or Word of Mouth that is completely outside of what any moral marketer should consider, besides all it did for me was raise my skepticism of the actual product and question the credibility of the radio station that I listen to every morning.

Are you creating skeptics or evangelists? Always take an outside in approach when creating any message, especially when trying to elicit Word of Mouth.


anonymous said...

Joe... good points, but I think you mean "contrived"... with a v.

Joe Minock said...

Yeah, that would have been the one I was looking for.

I did speak with the DJ via E-mail this morning and he did confirm his use of the product.