Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Quit Sending Mass E-mails...

I always laugh when I get bulk mail, really, I do!

It's quite comical to think that after receiving 50 emails from the same company that I might actually open one.

My response is just as quick...

I use MS Outlook, so it goes like this- Right Click on message, Select Junk Mail, Add Sender to Blocked Senders, Done- See how easy that was.

The problem here is, this might be happening to you. Are you sending Mass E-mail? Did you know that Mass E-mail has become synonymous with Bulk Mail, and Telemarketers? It has, and its turning your clients and potential clients off. Its one thing to have permission, and another to just buy a list and shoot from the hip. In the cases of having permission- don't over do it! Getting a message once a week can be tough to swallow unless it has great information, but once every other day is down right stupid. Be smart and have a strategy for the messages you wish to send, and don't be afraid to ask your viewers for input.

In this day in age, you need to be more focused than ever before if you wish to reach your clients. You also have to be more creative, while being careful not to alienate clients through backfiring stealth marketing ideas or by totally missing the point because you wanted to have a cool advertisement.

Stop and think before you send another Mass E-mail- "Am I providing something of value, do my clients want it, or am I turning them off?"

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